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                                                                 Zoning Commission Meeting
                                                                       ZC-02-20, ZC-03-20
                                                                       September 30, 2020                                                                 


Members/Attendance:             X         Gene McCullough
                                                     X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                     X         Frank Prusak
                                                    X         Bill Gardner
                                                    X         Paul Sherman
Also in attendance:                 X         Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
                                                    X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Bill Gardner called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 

1st Order of Business:

Frank Mazzocca motioned to approve the minutes of August 5, 2020.  Bill Gardner seconded the motion.

Members in agreement:           X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                X         Bill Gardner
                                                X         Frank Prusak
                                                X         Paul Sherman 
                                                X         Gene McCullough

Motion carried.

2nd Order of Business:

Case ZC-02-20 –This is a Preliminary Plan application for a proposed PUD.  The plan has been submitted by Ron Anderson of Universal Development.  The proposed PUD will be located off of Clingan Trails Blvd., to be named “The Village at Clingan Trails.”  Mr. Anderson has submitted all of the Preliminary Plan application paperwork with drawings as per the requirements for a Poland Township PUD request.

 Items included in packet submitted:

  1. Application for Zone Change
  2. Adjacent Property Owners List
  3. Formal Request Letter
  4. Site Layout (two pages)
  5. Google Map of Site
  6. Clingan Trails Boundary Description
  7. Zoning District Map
  8. Warranty Deed
  9. Project Description Letter
  10. County Plate Map
  11. Developer written statement
Ron Anderson
Universal Development
1607 Motor Inn Drive
Girard, Ohio

Anderson stated he is proposing a condo development adjacent to Clingan Trails.   This housing is suited for the over 55, single, divorced, and those who no longer wish to do maintenance work at their homes.  It will be community owned and maintained and will have a private gated entrance.

Bill Gardner asked Anderson if any of the abutting property owners had any concerns.  Anderson stated not that he that he is aware.  There is some activity on the property now but no one has come forward with any concerns.

Paul Sherman asked what the price will be for the condos.  Anderson stated under $300,000.  Each unit is a duplex.  Sherman asked if anything has changed from the previous time he was before the Board to now.  Anderson replied no.

Gene McCullough stated he is not in favor of the layout.  He is concerned about access issues for the fire department, emergency vehicles, trash collectors, etc.  He asked if the proposal can be realigned to allow more open spaces between the houses or moving the driveway from the outside to the center.  Anderson stated it was originally laid out that way but one of the things they didn’t like about it was that people don’t want traffic by their front door.  The fire chief will have adequate access with 22 foot driveways, and all units will have their own two car attached garage.  Anderson stated they are trying to provide the open space against the single family homes against the green.  McCullough stated he understands that Anderson is trying to squeeze as many units as possible in the allotted space, although it does comply with the zoning requirements.  Anderson said they could give it more thought, but it’s a tradeoff, as far as reducing the open space against the single family homes and put the driveway down the middle. 

Paul Sherman asked Anderson if he had the alternative drawing.  Anderson stated no.  Sherman asked the spacing between units 22 and 23.  Anderson stated 50 feet, with a patio area and fence. Sherman asked the distance between the fences.  Anderson stated 35 feet.  

Frank Mazzocca asked what the monthly fees will be.  Anderson stated $150.  Mazzocca stated he lives in a condo development and his are closer side by side, rather than front.  There is plenty of room to get in and out their driveways.  He agreed with Gene that the proposed units are close, but they do meet the requirements, and this is what people want.  Bill Gardner agreed.

Bill Gardner stated there is a strong demand for condo associations in Poland Township.

Paul Sherman asked Anderson if he had any drawings of the interior floor plan of the units.  Anderson stated he did not have it with him.  Sherman asked what the square footage will be.  Anderson replied 1,500 square feet.  All units will have a two car garage as well.

Bill Gardner asked if there were any questions or concerns from the audience.  There were none.

Paul Sherman asked Bob Monus if there were any concerns with the proposal.  Monus stated that what Anderson has presented is consistent with recent PUD’s based on setbacks.  There is nothing out of the ordinary.  He stated Anderson is well versed in development and the plan is consistent as far as what the code provides and what he has submitted.

The following motion was made:


Paul Sherman made a motion in Case ZC-02-20 to approve the proposed Preliminary Plan as submitted.  Frank Mazzocca seconded the motion.

Members in agreement:           X         Paul Sherman
                                                      X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                      X         Frank Prusak
                                                      X         Gene McCullough
                                                      X         Bill Gardner

Motion carried.

Bob Monus advised Anderson that this is the preliminary phase.  The next meeting will deal with the final phase and anything that is required by resolution should be submitted.  Paul Sherman asked that Anderson also bring a floor plan to the next meeting.

3rd Order of Business:

Bob Monus presented proposed language changes to the Zoning Resolution to the board members. 

Bill Gardner stated that the 224 corridor from Burger King to the state line, other than the nursing home and the new gas station, there is nothing.  Paul Sherman stated that the corridor is zoned business office, which is attorney, doctors, and accountants; which how many of these are in Poland Township?

Frank Mazzocca asked if this is a zone change.  Monus stated no, it is modifications to the zoning resolution.  It will be submitted to the planning commission, then a public meeting will be held, and then it will go before the Trustees for approval.


Paul Sherman made a motion in Case ZC-03-20 to accept the proposed language to modify the zoning resolution.  Frank Mazzocca seconded the motion.

Members in agreement:           X         Paul Sherman
                                                      X         Frank Mazzocca
                                                      X         Frank Prusak
                                                      X         Gene McCullough
                                                      X         Bill Gardner

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m.

Submitted by:

Michele Richards/Recording Secretary

cc:        Trustees (3)
            Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
            Zoning Commission (5)
            Paul Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
            File (1)