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Poland Township Cemeteries

Mission Statement

The mission of the Poland Township Cemetery Office is to maintain the grounds in an aesthetic manner and to promote a restful and peaceful scene for family members and friends honoring their deceased. Poland Township is dedicated to serving all members in the community.

Need information on how to purchase a plot and pricing? Contact the Poland Township Government Office at 330-757-0733.

Poland Center Cemetery

Poland Center Cemetery

Located at 6578 Struthers Road, Poland, Ohio 44514
Disclaimer: The digital data contained herein was compiled from recorded deeds, survey plats, and other public records. Poland Township does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any of said information and assumes no legal responsibility; persons relying on the information contained herein do so at their own risk. Users should consult public information sources for verification of the information referenced. Graves with dates of interment listed as 01/01/1500 are default dates with no actual record listing of interment.