- Zoning Commission Meeting
- July 27, 2022
- ZC-01-21
- Members/Attendance: X Gene McCullough
- X Frank Mazzocca
- X Frank Prusak
- X Bill Gardner
- X Paul Sherman
- Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
- X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary
Paul Sherman called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
1st Order of Business:
Frank Mazzocca motioned to approve the minutes of June 29, 2022. Frank Prusak seconded the motion.
- Members in agreement: X Frank Mazzocca
- X Frank Prusak
- X Bill Gardner
- X Gene McCullough
- X Paul Sherman
Motion carried.
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZC-01-21: This is a formal Zone Change request by Doug Susany DBA Fourway Investments Inc., to rezone three parcels of land to a Residential Planned Unit Development (R-PUD) to create a condominium development. The parcels and current zoning districts are as follows: Parcel numbers 35-085-0-001.00-0 (GL 42) and 35-085-0-002.03-0 (Lot 1) are both currently zoned Residential-2 (R-2) and Residential-1 (R-1) Districts. Parcel number 35-085-0-002.00-0, known as GL 42 is currently zoned Residential-2 (R-2), Residential-1 (R-1) and Office (OF) Districts; however, the zone change does not affect the Office (OF) district portion of that parcel. The zone change will contain approximately twelve point one (12.1) acres, and is an irregular size lot, with lot dimensions of eight hundred nineteen feet by six hundred feet (819’ x 600’) with the frontage being (819’). This will be located approximately three hundred twenty-one feet (321’) north of the Center Road/Route 224-Struthers Road intersection and is situated on the east side of Struthers Road. All three parcels are located in Mahoning County, Poland Township, Lowellville, Ohio.
Paul Sherman stated to Doug Susany that he has been before this Board three times and has received approval from the Mahoning County Planning Commission. Doug Susany stated yes. Paul Sherman asked the Board members for any questions for Susany.
Paul Sherman asked Susany what the setback is from the street. Susany stated twenty (20) feet. Sherman stated he noticed there is no allocation of visitor parking in the development and asked
Susany if he has any plans for visitor parking. Susany stated they will have temporary on street parking for visitors, as it will be a lightly traveled road. Sherman asked about the main primary street going in, one is stubbed off. He asked if the stubbed off road will be for a phase II down the road? Susany stated no.
Sherman asked Gene McCullough if he had any conversations with Fire Chief Comstock whether they would want a cul-de-sac in the development. McCullough stated he had a conversation with the chief’s wife and said if the chief has any input to attend the meeting.
Susany asked Sherman if he is familiar with Whitman’s PUD at the golf course where there is a dead end road with two units but there is a way to turn around. Sherman stated yes.
Susany stated this will be similar to that.
Sherman asked Bob Monus if he had any feedback or input from the public. Monus stated there were some concerns of where the entrance way is going to be. As far as the internal structure, he had no comments in terms of any turn arounds.
Frank Mazzocca asked Susany if he will allow parking on both sides of the road. Susany stated no.
Paul Sherman stated he will hear any public comments.
A group of members of the public in attendance viewed the drawings and had an informal discussion with Susany.
Paul Sherman asked if there is anyone in the audience that would like to go on record and ask any questions or state any concerns.
- Robert Magni
- 6180 Struthers Road
Magni stated he lives east of the development, a little further north down Struthers Road. Magni stated he is concerned because Struthers Road is like a racetrack and also a passing zone. There needs to be more traffic control. The intersection of 224 and Struthers Road is also a concern with flashing lights. There are numerous accidents at this intersection. He would like to see a traffic light at this intersection. He is in favor the development.
- Mary Jan Perdulla
- 4222 Center Road
She is with Pioneer Farms Tree Farm. She stated she agrees with Bob Magni about the traffic at the intersection. She is concerned there is no turning lane getting into the condos. She also stated that she doesn’t know if anyone else in attendance is part of the Poland Historical Society, but they would like to see green space or a buffer from the Little Red School House, preferably evergreens or some type of buffer. A buffer along the Struthers Road condominiums and then to the south border facing the school house is where they would like them placed. She referenced the condominiums behind Burger King, Olde Stone Crossing, and stated there are a lot of visual barriers with pines and arborvitaes.
Paul Sherman asked Monus if the PUD required a variance for density and green space at the township level. Monus stated no.
Paul Sherman asked Susany if the units will be landscaped. Susany stated yes. He asked Susany if he had any plans for buffers. Susany stated where needed. He stated behind lots 16 and 17 there is farm equipment parked to the north of that area, and he will entertain a buffer for the Little Red School House also. He may put something along Struthers Road also.
Paul Sherman stated he is concerned about over flow parking. He referenced the areas to the north of unit 3 across the street from unit 1, between units 14 and 23, between units 15 and 16, and on the corner of where units 22 and 21 are located. Susany stated the area across from 1 will be mailboxes. Susany stated he does not have a problem using these areas mentioned for overflow parking.
Frank Mazzocca asked Susany if he would consider putting mailboxes in front of each unit. Susany stated no, the post office will not deliver to multiple locations in the development. Sherman asked Susany if the mailbox station will also accept packages. Susany stated yes. Sherman asked Susany if he could put in two parking spaces across the street from unit 1 to allow for delivery trucks to turn around. Susany stated yes.
Paul Sherman stated he is concerned about temporary on street parking, traffic congestion within the development, ease of traffic, and safety for emergency vehicles entering the development.
Paul Sherman asked the Board members if there were any other comments. No one replied. The following motion was made:
Paul Sherman made a motion to approve the zone change in Case ZC-01-21 and forward to the Trustees for final approval, with the following stipulations:
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces across from unit 1 near the mailbox area
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces between units 14 and 23
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces between units 15 and 16
- On road parking is restricted within seventy-five (75) feet of bends of units 1, 2, and the T-intersection for the leg going to the back of the development.
- In the event there is no future expansion to a Phase II, he would like to see a cul-de-sac at the end of units 20 and 19, with a two year time frame.
- There will be some type of natural arborvitae green strip behind units 8 and 10, as a buffer to the Little Red School House.
Gene McCullough seconded the motion; however, Susany interjects prior to polling the Board.
Motion dies.
Doug Susany asked Sherman if he could comment. Susany stated that none of this was brought up in the past two years he has been coming to meetings, and now the Board is changing the plans. Sherman stated they are not changing the plans; he is adding spill over parking and he brought up adding a cul-de-sac at the stub at a previous meeting, and you, Susany stated there was a possibility for future expansion. Susany stated not at that location, which goes into the farm. There is no room for a cul-de-sac.
Susany stated it is very disappointing when you go through all the meetings, and then at the last meeting I am asked to go back to the drawing board and start over. Sherman stated to Susany that he is not being asked to start over; he is being asked to add six parking spaces in a development for 37 houses. Susany stated he does not have a problem with the parking spaces, but he does have a problem with the cul-de-sac. There is no room for it.
Sherman stated that in the absence of Fire Chief Comstock weighing in, and he was provided the opportunity, he will withdraw his requirement for the cul-de-sac and Susany can leave the road stubbed as depicted. Sherman asked Susany if he is okay with the addition of the six overflow parking spaces as discussed and the green buffer for the school house. Susany stated yes.
Paul Sherman stated that the previous motion is withdrawn, and made the following amended motion:
Paul Sherman made a motion to approve the zone change in Case ZC-01-21 and forward to the Trustees for final approval, with the following stipulations:
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces across from unit 1 near the mailbox area
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces between units 14 and 23
- There will be a minimum of two parking spaces between units 15 and 16
- On road parking is restricted within seventy-five (75) feet of bends of units 1, 2, and the T-intersection for the leg going to the back of the development.
- There will be some type of natural arborvitae green strip behind units 8 and 10, as a buffer to the Little Red School House.
Gene McCullough seconded the motion.
- Members in agreement: X Paul Sherman
- X Gene McCullough
- X Bill Gardner
- X Frank Prusak
- X Frank Mazzocca
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
- Submitted by:
- Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
- cc: Trustees (3)
- Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
- Zoning Commission (6)
- Paul Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
- File (1)