Zoning Commission Meeting
June 17, 2015
Members/Attendance: X Ron Massullo
N/A Bob Barnhart
X Tim Marucci
X Gene McCullough
X Frank Mazzocca
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary
Ron Massullo called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.
1st Order of Business:
Ron Massullo stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on March 4, 2015. Frank Mazzocca made a motion to accept the minutes from the March 4, 2015 meeting. Tim Marucci seconded the motion. All members were in favor. Motion carried
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZC-01-15 – Is a request by Henry Hassay Jr. to rezone two parcels of land from a Residential-1 (R-1) District to a Residential-3 (R-3) District. Both parcels are located along the north R/W of Center Road, approximately one hundred fifty (150) feet west of the Center Road-Tala Drive intersection. These parcels are located in Poland, Ohio, Poland Township, Mahoning County, and are known as parcel number 35-007-0-040.00-0 owned by Jane B. Hassay, also known as 2854 Center Road, and parcel number 35-007-041.00-0, owned by Hassay Group Inc. Both parcels are known as great lot 15.
The proposed zone change would be an amendment to the district map and upon conclusion of the hearing the matter will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for its action.
Items included in packet submitted:
- Application for Zone Change
- Letter of Intent
- Warranty Deed
- County Map
- Property Description
- Site Plan
Ron Massullo stated that Case ZC-01-15 is being heard tonight and that Hank Grover will be representing the Hassay’s.
Hank Grover
8307 North Lima Road
Grover stated that both Henry Hassay Sr. and Henry Hassay Jr. are in attendance at tonight’s meeting. They are requesting a zone change from Residential-1 (R-1) to Residential-3 (R-3) for two parcels of property that they own. There is a house on one of the properties that will be demoed. Grover read the description of a Residential-3 (R-3) property from the zoning book. The Mahoning County Planning Commission did recommend approval for this zone change at their meeting on March 24, 2015.
Henry Hassay, Jr.
3265 Lynn Road
Canfield, Ohio
Hassay stated this property has been owned by his family for 30 years. His proposed plan is to build seven (7) units on this property.
Henry Hassay, Sr.
7598 Clingan Road
Hassay stated that the proposed buildings will be an asset to the community. He intends to live in one of the units as well and also has a relative interested in living in one of the units.
Ron Massullo asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request. No one responds. Massullo asked if anyone would like to speak against this request.
Ronald Round
6454 Tala Drive
Round stated he is not against the request. He is concerned that there will be too many buildings placed on this property.
Hassay Jr. explained there will be two buildings, one will have three units and one will have four units. There will be plenty of parking for both buildings.
Round is concerned that if this zone change is approved then Hassay would be able to put any type of building on this property, including a three story building. Hassay Jr. stated that is not his intent.
Pamela Yost
2875 Saginaw Drive
Yost is concerned about water run-off. She stated that during heavy storms there have been problems with drainage. She has had to put extra drains in the back of her yard because of the excessive water.
Charlotte Gwizdale
2843 Saginaw Drive
Gwizdale is concerned about water run-off also and stated she is against this zone change request.
Massullo read a letter from Tom and Eleanor Geidner of 3230 Dobbins Road, as well as an identical letter from Donna Allen in regard to this zone change request. The letter referenced another property that is owned by the Hassay’s and they would like to see this particular property cleaned up before the Hassay’s are allowed the zone change request. Tom and Eleanor Geidner are in attendance at tonight’s meeting.
Gene McCullough asked the value of the proposed units. Hassay Jr. stated approximately three quarters of a million dollars ($750,000). McCullough is concerned about the retention pond being placed in the front of the property as well as the depth of the retention pond.
Tim Marucci is concerned that the retention pond will not be sufficient for the property.
Frank Mazzocca asked if there could be four or five units on the property rather than seven units. He feels seven units will be too crowded. Hassay Jr. stated that seven units are below what is required for the zone change and he trying to get the maximum value for the property.
Hassay Sr. stated the retention pond should be placed in the northwest corner of the property because that is the only wet area on the property and this should help alleviate the water issues on Saginaw Drive.
Massullo stated he is concerned with the proposed placement of the retention pond in the front of the property, especially if ODOT would have road expansion plans. Massullo also questioned why the two properties were not rezoned into one property. No comment was made and there was no further discussion.
The following motion was then made:
Tim Marucci made a motion in Case ZC-01-15 to approve the zone change request from Residential-1 (R-1) to Residential-3 (R-3). Frank Mazzocca seconded the motion.
Yes Gene McCullough
Yes Tim Marucci
Yes Frank Mazzocca
No Ron Massullo
Motion carried.
Massullo explained that this zone change request will be forwarded to the Trustees for approval.
Meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
cc: Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (7)
Zoning Commission (7)
P. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)