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Zoning Commission Meeting
April 2, 2014

Members/Attendance: X Ron Massullo
  X Bob Barnhart
  X Tim Marucci
  X Gene McCullough
  X Kim Kotheimer
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Ron Massullo called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. Ron recognized alternate board member, Frank Prusak, who is seated in the audience.
1st Order of Business:
Ron Massullo stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on February 5, 2014. Kim Kotheimer made a motion to accept the minutes from the February 5, 2014 meeting. Bob Barnhart seconded the motion. All members were in favor. Motion carried
Old Business:
Tim Marucci asked if Rick Mastriana had made any progress with the proposed condo development on Clingan Road. Monus stated that he has not heard anything since the Board’s last meeting. Gene McCullough stated he spoke with Mastriana and he stated he had not been to the Planning Commission as yet.
New Business:
Ron Massullo stated that the next item for discussion is LED and other rotating signs. Massullo stated that a resident is in attendance at tonight’s meeting, who works with lighting as well as electric, will discussing this topic. Massullo introduced Jim Burgham.
Jim Burgham
7051 Luteran Lane

Burgham is Chair of the Board of Zoning Appeals. Burgham stated that the BZA recently had a case involving the use of LED lighting in signs. He stated that lighting is changing with technology and efficiency. You can no longer purchase incandescent light bulbs. LED lighting is also used as some of the back lighting in signs. He wanted the Board to be aware that there are changes in the lighting industry. He suggested that if this Board could discuss the issue then the BZA is not always faced with granting variances that this Board would like to see for signage. There are significant changes coming in the lighting industry and if this Board’s direction could address the changes then every case would not have to be addressed through the appeals process.
A discussion entailed regarding the appeals case mentioned previously.
Tim Marucci mentioned a signage issue that his business had with Coitsville Township.
Ron Massullo stated that the Board does need to address this LED lighting issue. Massullo suggested that the Board research this and discuss it at the next workshop.
Property maintenance – Kim Kotheimer presented information to the Board to address. This would be an addition to Section 7.22. The Board then discussed this item in detail.
Parking and storage – Kim Kothheimer asked why a property owner cannot have a trailer in their driveway. Monus stated it is basically curb appeal. Monus explained that the regulation has been in place for quite some time and the purpose of zoning is to maintain property values and a neat appearance in the community.
Accessory Building Language – Monus stated language is needed for accessory structures on corner lots. Massullo asked if there is model language that the Board can get from another community. Monus and Gene McCullough will work on getting model language for this issue.
Pavillion Language – Monus stated language is needed for property owners wanting to put pavilions in their backyards. Massullo stated McCullough will work with Monus on this issue as well.
Gardens in front yard – Monus stated there was one issue in the township on Pawnee Place. The property owner is now selling the house and moving out of state.
Massullo asked if there is anything else the Board would like to discuss.
Monus mentioned there is a proposed zone change for the Board to address. The area involved is Ridgely Park. Monus will work on the language and the map and present it to the Board at the next workshop session.
Frank Prusak discussed a property maintenance issue involving a home in his neighborhood.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
Zoning Commission (6)
P. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)