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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
October 3, 2013
ZA-09-13, ZA-10-13

Members/Attendance: X Hank Grover
  X Jim Burgham
  X Bill Custer
  X Holly Grant
  X Michael Johnston
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Jim Burgham, as Chair of the meeting, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
1st Order of Business:
Jim Burgham stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on August 1, 2013. Hank Grover made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 1, 2013 meeting. Holly Grant seconded the motion. All members were in favor. Minutes approved.
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-09-13 – Is a variance request by Ronald and Kimberly Ruscitti to obtain relief for reduction in side yard setback to add additional square footage to their existing attached garage located at 3615 Timberbrooke Trail, known as parcel #35-053-0-096.00-0-0, Lot 74. Parcel is located in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a Residential-1 (R-1) zoned district.
Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Ronald Ruscitti
3615 Timberbrooke Trail

Ruscitti stated they moved in their home in January 2013. He stated his neighbor, Crescenzo Battaglini, approved the variance request. He is not present at tonight’s meeting but verbally gave Ruscitti his approval.

Ruscitti stated there is a correction to be made to his letter of intent. The second paragraph states that the proposed addition will be brick. It will be brick on the front and vinyl siding on the sides.

The existing garage is too small. His builder (Andy Popovich) recommended adding a bay to the current garage. Ruscitti showed the Board a picture of his neighbor (Rubino) that has a third bay on the garage.

Holly Grant asked Ruscitti if the builder considered making the addition within the regulations and within the three and a half (3.5) feet setback. Ruscitti replied yes the builder did state that it could be done without a variance. However, he would have to build all new trusses over the garage and add forty (40) inches to the peak. The price was more expensive doing it this way and it would not give them much more space. The builder recommended adding a third bay because it would look nicer and the roof line would not be changed.

Ruscitti stated that he had plans for a large shed, but this addition will negate those plans. He will cancel the plans for the shed.

Bill Custer made a motion in Case ZA-09-13 to grant the variance request for new construction within three and a half (3.5) feet of the side yard property line as per the plans submitted.

Hank Grover stated that the letter of intent states three (3) feet from the property line and the drawing shows three and a half (3.5) feet from the property line. The motion is for three and a half (3.5) feet from the property line. Ruscitti stated he is requesting three and a half (3.5) feet.

Jim Burgham stated the motion will stand as stated.

Holly Grant seconded the motion.


Yes Bill Custer
Yes Holly Grant
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Jim Burgham
Yes Hank Grover

Motion carried.

3rd Order of Business:
Jim Burgham stated that Hank Grover will be removing himself from the Board.

Case #ZA-10-13 – Is a variance request by Haven Grover to obtain relief to allow for an additional ten by twelve (10 x 12) foot accessory building located at 8307 North Lima Road, known as parcel #35-056-0-066.00-0, Lot 1. Parcel is located in Poland Township, Poland, Ohio, in a Residential-1 (R-1) zoned district.
Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Hank Grover
8307 North Lima Road

Grover stated he found the shed while surveying for an auctioneer. There was an auction held a few days later and he bought the shed. One of the conditions of an auction is that you need to take the item immediately. He then applied for the variance once he had the shed at home. Grover stated when he moved into his home 24 years ago it was zoned agricultural. The accessory building that is there now was used to store farm tools. When the resolutions were revised, the property was then zoned Residential-1. At that point, the home and the existing accessory building were allowed on the property. Grover stated the shed will have no foundation and will be four (4) feet off the asphalt and six (6) feet in the gravel area in the location that he has prepared. It will be used as storage and will be located closer to the home than the other accessory building.
Holly Grant stated that the property is large enough for the shed considering the size of the shed. Jim Burgham stated that they will have more use for the shed since it will be closer to the house.


Mike Johnston made a motion in Case ZA-10-13 to grant the variance request to add a second accessory building ten by twelve (10 x 12) one hundred twenty (120) square feet, as per the plans submitted. Holly Grant seconded the motion.


Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Holly Grant
Yes Bill Custer
Yes Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (5)
Zoning Commission (5)
J. Granitto (1)
File (1)