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                                                        Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
                                                                     August 05, 2021
                                                                     Case #ZA-08-21


Members/Attendance:        X         Michael Johnston
                                                N/A      Ricky Morrison
                                                X         Albert Sciulli
                                                X         Robert Durick
                                                X         John Grahovac
                                                N/A      John Savarise
Also in attendance:             X         Patty Magazzine, Assistant Zoning Inspector
                                                X         Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Mike Johnston called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 

1st Order of Business:

Mike Johnston stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on July 22, 2021.   John Grahovac made a motion to approve the minutes from the July 22, 2021 meeting.  Bob Durick seconded the motion. 


Yes                  John Grahovac
Yes                  Bob Durick
Yes                  Al Sciulli
Yes                  Mike Johnston

Motion carried.

2nd Order of Business:

Case #ZA-08-21 – This is a variance request by Evangela Hazimihalis to obtain relief from square footage of an accessory building to construct a pool house.  Appellant currently has a seven hundred two (702) square foot accessory building, which dimensions are twenty-seven feet wide by twenty-six feet deep (27’w x 26’d).  She requests to add onto the existing building an additional eight hundred sixteen (816) square foot addition, which dimensions are twenty-four feet wide by thirty-four feet deep (24’w x 34’d).  The overall size of the building will be one thousand, five hundred eighteen (1,518) square feet.  The property location is 3234 Olde Winter Trail, Poland, Ohio, and is known as parcel number 35-070-0-078.00-0, lot number 178.  It is situated in a Residential-1 (R-1) zoning district.

Items included in packet submitted:

  1. Zoning Permit Denial Form
  2. Application to the Board of Zoning Appeals
  3. Letter of Intent
  4. Property Description (Zoning)
  5. Property Description (Auditor)
  6. Zoning District Map
  7. GIS Aerial View Map
  8. Contractor Specification Plans
  9. Proposed Site Plan
  10. Warranty Deed
Evangela Hazimihalis
3234 Olde Winter Trail

Evangela Hazimalis stated they plan to enclose the proposed pool house in order for them to utilize it year round.

Bob Durick asked if there was opposition from any of the neighbors.  Evangela stated she spoke to two of her neighbors.  The neighbor behind her, Vesey, was concerned about water drainage.  Evangela explained to her that the new structure will have the same gutter system as the existing garage so there should be no issues.  The other neighbor just wanted to know if there would be a window on the structure facing her property and Evangela advised her there would not be.

Mike Johnston stated that there was no one in the audience to speak either for or against this request.

Mike Johnston stated the proposed structure fits in with the neighborhood and the property, and he has no issues with the proposed variance.  Bob Durick stated he also has no opposition, as long as the structure matches the existing home.


Bob Durick made a motion in Case ZA-08-21 to grant the variance to allow for the addition of eight hundred sixteen (816) square feet to the existing seven hundred two (702) square foot accessory building, as per the plans submitted.  John Grahovac seconded the motion.


Yes      Bob Durick
Yes      John Grahovac
Yes      Al Sciulli
Yes      Mike Johnston

Motion carried.

Old Business:

Mike Johnston distributed to the Board members a process that he would like the Board to follow in regard to replying to emails that are generated to schedule upcoming meetings.  There were no questions and the Board members were in agreement with this process.

In regard to Case No. ZA-07-21, the appellant Dustin Bach spoke to Bob Monus and advised him that the noise reduction parts for the external dryers are still on back order.  In the interim, he would like to have a canopy constructed of sound barrier material.  He has a builder available to construct it now, so he would like the Board’s approval to do this, until the other equipment comes in. 

Mike Johnston stated as long as it meets Mahoning County building requirements; he has no issues with it, and whether it mitigates the noise is yet to be seen.  John Grahovac stated he is in agreement to build the canopy in the interim, as long as the other equipment is still installed when it comes in.

The Board discussed this issue further and all members are in agreement for Dustin Bach to install the canopy until the other equipment comes in.  Once the other equipment comes in and is installed, the Board will hold another meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
cc:       Trustees (3)
            Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
            Zoning Commission (6)
            Paul. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
            File (1)