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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
June 5, 2014
ZA-06-14, ZA-07-14

Members/Attendance: X Hank Grover
  X Jim Burgham
  N/A Holly Grant
  X Michael Johnston
  X Ricky Morrison
  X Frank Prusak
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

1st Order of Business:
Jim Burgham stated that the first order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on March 27, 2014. Hank Grover made a motion to approve the minutes from the March 27, 2014 meeting. Mike Johnston seconded the motion. All members were in favor. Motion carried. Burgham stated that the minutes from the May 1, 2014 meeting would be approved at the Board’s next meeting.
2nd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-06-14 – Is a request by Anthony Vargin to obtain a variance to construct a twenty four by thirty two (24 x 32 x 15) square foot accessory building which exceeds size regulations for square footage. Property is located at 5411 Clingan Road, known as parcel #39-011-0-017.00.0, lot 28. Parcel is located in Poland Township, Struthers, Ohio, in a (R-1) Residential-1 zoned district.

Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Anthony Vargin
5411 Struthers Road
Struthers, Ohio

Vargin stated he is requesting an accessory building twenty four by thirty two (24 x 32) feet, to be placed at the end of his driveway, which is thirteen (13) feet instead of fifteen (15) feet from his house.

Jim Burgham asked the Board if there were any questions.

Burgham asked Vargin why he is requesting the garage be placed thirteen (13) feet rather than fifteen (15) feet from the house. Vargin stated so it would line up with the garage door.
Grover suggested to Vargin that he move the building to the required fifteen (15) feet and put in a two (2) foot sidewalk on the left side. Grover stated that the fifteen (15) foot requirement is also a safety requirement by the fire department. Burgham asked Vargin if he planned to put a man door on the left side. Vargin replied yes.

Grover stated he does not have an issue with the request for the increased size of the building. He feels the Board does not have a practical difficulty or reason to grant the two (2) foot variance on the distance from the main structure.

Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request. No one responds. Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of this request. No one responds.

Ricky Morrison stated he does not have an issue with the size of the building. Burgham stated he agrees with Grover on not granting the two (2) foot variance on the distance.


Mike Johnston made a motion in Case ZA-06-14 to deny the distance variance request and fifteen (15) feet must be maintained. The request to construct a twenty four by thirty two (24 x 32) foot detached garage (accessory building) is approved. Frank Prusak seconded the motion.


Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Frank Prusak
Yes Hank Grover
Yes Ricky Morrison
Yes Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

3rd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-07-14 – Is a request by Nicholas Lombardo to obtain a variance to construct a twenty eight by thirty two by twenty one (28 x 32 x 21) square foot accessory building which exceeds size regulations for square footage and height. Property is located at 5557 Walnut Grove Circle, known as parcel #39-017.0-024.00-0, lot 39. Parcel is located in Poland Township, Struthers, Ohio, in an (E) Estate zoned district.
Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Nicholas Lombardo
5557 Walnut Grove Circle
Struthers, Ohio

Lombardo stated the building will be used to store lawn equipment and kids’ toys. He stated the building will match the exterior of the house.
Jim Burgham asked the Board if there were any questions.

Burgham stated that the Board is in receipt of an adjudication order. Lombardo stated it was a misunderstanding between him and his builder. He had assumed that the builder would obtain the permit but did not. He apologized to the Board. A permit has since been obtained.
Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of this request. No one responds. Burgham asked if anyone would like to speak in opposition of this request. No one responds.

Grover asked Lombardo if he is requesting the twenty one (21) foot peak to match the house. Lombardo stated yes. Burgham stated that the lots are large in that area and the requested size is not an issue. Johnston stated he also has no issue with the requested size.


Hank Grover made a motion in Case ZA-07-14 to grant the variance for the additional square footage of the garage (accessory building) and the maximum height of twenty one (21) feet for the structure, as per the plans submitted. Mike Johnston seconded the motion.


Yes Hank Grover
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Frank Prusak
Yes Ricky Morrison
Yes Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (6)
Zoning Commission (6)
P. Canter, Fiscal Officer (1)
File (1)