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Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting
February 21, 2013

Members/Attendance: X Hank Grover
  X Jim Burgham
  X Al Franceschelli
  X Bill Custer
  X Holly Grant
  X Michael Johnston
Also in attendance: X Bob Monus, Zoning Inspector
  X Michele Richards, Recording Secretary

Hank Grover called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

1st Order of Business:

Reorganization of the Board.

Bill Custer made a motion to nominate Hank Grover as Chair of the Committee. Holly Grant seconded the motion.


Yes Holly Grant
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Bill Custer
Abstain Hank Grover
Yes Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

Mike Johnston made a motion to nominate Jim Burgham as Vice Chair of the Committee. Holly Grant seconded the motion.

Yes Holly Grant
Yes Bill Custer
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Hank Grover
Abstain Jim Burgham

Motion carried.

2nd Order of Business:
Hank Grover stated that the second order of business is to approve the minutes from the meeting held on November 29, 2012. Jim Burgham made a motion to approve the minutes from the November 29, 2012 meeting. All members were in favor. Minutes approved.

Jim Burgham stated that he would be removing himself from the Board for the remainder of the meeting.
3rd Order of Business:
Case #ZA-01-13 – A variance request by the Church of the Rock, represented by Fred Marchese of Marchese & Company, to obtain a conditional use permit for a proposed addition of seven thousand, four hundred ninety (7,490) square feet to the existing church, which is located at 7025 Luteran Lane, Poland, Ohio, Poland Township. The lot is in an Estate ( E ) zoned district and known as parcel number 35-035-0-014.05-0, Lot Number 1.

Items included in packet submitted:

1. Application for Variance
2. Zoning Permit Denial Form
3. Letter of Intent
4. Warranty Deed
5. County Map
6. Property Description
7. Site Plan

Reid Lamport
118 Massachusetts Avenue

Lamport stated he is the Senior Pastor of the Church of the Rock. The Church of the Rock began in December of 1999. They met for the first six months at Union Elementary School on Riverside Drive. For the next two and a half years they met at Cunningham Becker Funeral chapel on North Main Street. The following two and a half years they met at Brownlee Woods Presbyterian Church on Midlothian Blvd. For the past eight years, they have been at their present building. The purpose for tonight’s meeting is for them to present their building plan and to obtain approval for an addition to the current building. The current needs of the fellowship have necessitated more space. Lamport stated that the proposed addition is a one-time addition. There will not be any room for future expansion after this proposed addition. Lamport stated that if the church would happen to outgrow the proposed addition, they would plan a second church at another location.

Lamport stated that the church holds one Sunday service from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and attendance is approximately 150 to 200 people. The sanctuary holds 200 people. Bible studies are held three times during the week on Monday night, Wednesday morning, and Thursday evening and between six to thirty people attend each class. A men’s bible study is held every other Saturday morning from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. with 12 to 20 men attending. A youth program is held on Wednesday night from 5:30 to 7:30 and 30 to 40 children attend. Every other Sunday evening is middle school and high school fellowship, with 20 or so attending. Presently the church has three classrooms and one nursery. The classrooms are quite small and they have outgrown them.

They plan to build six classrooms and also increase the size of the sanctuary to accommodate 100 more people. The average size of families attending is four people. If they were to be at full capacity, that would mean an addition of approximately 25 more cars travelling up and down the road on Sundays. The increase of traffic during the week if the bible study and youth programs were expanded would probably be less than a dozen cars. Lamport stated they believe the addition could actually eliminate some of the traffic on Luteran Lane. With the parking lot extended to James Street, a portion of the members will be parking there. They would be entering and exiting on James Street and the traffic would be divided with half going down James Street and the other half going down Luteran Lane.
Lamport stated he is aware of the concerns of the neighbors with the cars speeding on Luteran Lane. The speed limit restrictions are published in the bulletin, and they plan to post signs at the exits reminding people that the speed limit is 25 mph. Lamport stated another concern is the church renting the facility for banquets or receptions. There are no plans for a fellowship hall or banquet area in the proposed addition. The church has no plans for the proposed addition to generate revenue.

Lamport stated that estimates on the building project are a little more than one million dollars. He stated they would not be submitting the plans for the proposed addition if they did not really need it. Lamport also said that three years ago the church submitted a request for an addition, which was turned down. They had met with Jim Burgham, who is the church’s next door neighbor, and realized that the plans submitted at that time made the church look like a strip plaza and not a church. The current proposed addition has been drawn after taking Burgham’s input into consideration.

The goal of the church is to fit in, not stick out, of the neighborhood and to preserve as many trees as possible and to keep the natural landscape as similar as it is now. They would like to be seen as a positive influence in the neighborhood.

Fred Marchese
33 Beechwood Trail

Marchese is the builder and is also a member of the church. Marchese stated the size of the addition is approximately eighty by sixty-four (80 x 64) and will be located directly behind the building. The building height will be the same as the sanctuary. The exterior will be the same exact vinyl siding, and the landscaping will also be the same as it is now. There is no need for water retention expansion. If the variance is approved, they would like to start construction in the next few months and will be working five or six days per week. Marchese stated that the proposed prints are not the final set, that there may be some minor changes required.

Holly Grant asked Marchese what he means about the final drawings. Marchese stated that there may be some interior changes made to the building, but the foot print of the building will stay the same.

Hank Grover asked if anyone would like to speak in favor of the request. No one responds. Grover asked if anyone would like to speak against the request.

Jim Burgham
7051 Luteran Lane

Burgham stated he is the neighbor directly to the south of the church. Burgham is not necessarily against the request; he has issues he would like to bring before the Board. Three years ago the church made a similar request for an addition but the main difference now is the layout of the building and the biggest portion of the square footage was moved from the north side of the building to the east side of the building. Burgham stated the proposed addition is still large for the neighborhood, with a 175% increase in square footage. The traffic is still an issue. The proposed addition is better than the previous requested addition. Burgham is concerned how this addition will affect his property value.

Burgham stated he would like the Board to consider the actual usage for the addition. He is also concerned that the additional usage will interfere with bus traffic. He reiterated that if the Board considers this variance, it is understood what usage is being granted.
Burgham stated that the church has been a good neighbor but he is concerned if the church were to leave what would happen to the property. That size of a building could affect the ability for him to sell his home in the future if need be.

Hank Grover stated that in regard to the issue of home values that Burgham addressed, present at tonight’s meeting is Andy Profanchick, who has been with the Home Builders Association (HBA) for many years. He is past president of the local chapter and also past president of the state chapter.

Andy Profanchick
115 Amber Wood Court
Boardman, Ohio

Profanchick is with the Home Builders Association. He stated he has been assisting the individuals of the church with their presentation for tonight’s meeting. He is a developer of condominiums in the area, such as Presidential Estates and Auburn Hills in Boardman. As far as the church and the addition affecting property values; no one knows. He stated the church is a great neighbor and will do as they say they will do. He thanked Jim Burgham for being positive and also for his concern. He stated that Burgham’s comments were professional; he feels that Burgham has no vendetta or animosity.

Holly Grant asked Profanchick if the property values are affected by the market. Profanchick stated yes that is true.

Hank asked if there were any other comments.

Holly Grant asked if the church had any intention to install outside loud speakers. Reed Lamport replied no. She asked if the church has any intentions of having a daycare. Lamport replied no. Grant stated that a daycare center would require a separate conditional use permit.

Jim Penny
6152 Circle Drive

Penny stated that many churches in the area have multiple services as they grow. The church does not want to lose the intimacy that they have now. If the church does outgrow the current facility and has to go to two services, they would look to add another ministry of the church at another location.
Jim Burgham asked if the interior changes will affect the roof line of the building. Lamport replied no.

Hank Grover asked if there were any other questions or discussions. There being none, the following motion was made.


Holly Grant made a motion in Case ZA-01-13 to grant the conditional use permit as proposed by the church, for the purpose of the church and their place of worship, and is a one-time request for the addition as stated. Mike Johnston seconded the motion.

Yes Holly Grant
Yes Mike Johnston
Yes Bill Custer
Yes Hank Grover

Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Submitted by:
Michele Richards/Recording Secretary
Trustees (3)
Board of Zoning Appeals (5)
Zoning Commission (5)
J. Granitto (1)
File (1)