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November 9th, 2016

Regular Trustee Meeting

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on November 9th, 2016 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road, Poland Ohio.

Chairman Ungaro calls roll call. Chairman Ungaro, Trustee Joanne Wollet as well as Fiscal Officer Paul Canter are present.

All members present join in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Ungaro makes a motion to go into executive session at 5:30 for reasons of personnel.  Seconded by Wollet. Voting yes- Chairman Ungaro and Trustee Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to come out of executive session at 6:03. Seconded by Wollet. Voting yes Ungaro and Wollet…motion carried.

Administrator Scharville calls roll call. Chairman Ungaro, Vice Chairman Robert Lidle and Trustee Joanne Wollet are present.

Fiscal Officer Paul Canter leads in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Ungaro makes a motion to approve minutes dated October 12, 2016. Seconded by Vice Chairman Robert Lidle. Voting yes Ungaro, Chairman and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to authorize payments for all outstanding bills for the township. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Fiscal Officer Paul Canter gives Financial Report for October 2016. Revenue- $182,662.49 Expenditures- $195,068.84.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve Resolution #16-20: Prohibits the use of engine retarders on motor vehicles. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion for Resolution #16-21: Animal Tethering Resolution Protects all animals from being tethered in extreme hot or cold weather conditions in the township. Seconded by Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried. 

Ungaro makes a motion to approve Resolution #16-22: Transfer from General to Police Fund of $75,000 for Fiscal Year 2016. Seconded by Wollet. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Ungaro makes a motion to mediate Resolution #16-23: Healthcare Resolution for Elected Officials opting out of township healthcare and getting reimbursed the coverage cost to their own healthcare. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Administrator Scharville makes a motion to approve Mutual Agreement to extend contract for Poland Township. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Trustee Joanne Wollet brings to attention the issue of Renwick Drive: Speeding and stop signs, Chief Goodin mentions putting in a 4 way stop sign. Patrolmen have been sitting there monitoring people going through intersection, Goodin agreed that a 4 way stop sign would be beneficial. More lighting would help pedestrians to be seen better when people are speeding through the neighborhood.

Robert Clayton (resident of Renwick) is present to voice concern of the neighborhood and gives 58 signatures to petition these issues. Josh Hiznay, Michael Rosewick.

Sam Toppi is present for a Road Analysis for the road paving priority.  Trustee Wollet would like an evaluation of roads for the township.

Park Committee:

Ken Filicky is taking Mike Heher’s place and is present to give monthly report.


Recycling Dept:

Administrator Scharville gives monthly report for recycling department.  Christmas tree recycling program is now in conjunction with the Green Team. Recycled trees can either be dropped off or picked up at curb December 26, 2016- January 31st, 2017.


Zoning Dept:

Zoning Inspector, Bob Monus is present to give October 2016 monthly report. For the month of October total valuation is $104, 037.00   and total fees collected of $1,081.00, seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Bob Monus announces applications being accepted to the Zoning Commission and Zoning Appeal Boards.

Ungaro makes a motion to approve advertisement of zoning in public newspapers, seconded by Lidle, Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.


Road Dept:

Road Superintendent Tom Monus is present to give monthly report. 


Police Dept:

Chief Goodin is present to give monthly report.

Chief Goodin is appointing new patrolmen pending physical and medical evaluation will be probationary until training program is complete at $10 per hour. Applicants pending are Mark Pelusa and Joe Lamping. Seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Chief Goodin discusses the purchase of portable radios throughout the year for about $11,000. Ungaro makes a motion to approve the purchase of 3 portable radios from Motorola not to exceed $11,000. Approved by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet…motion carried.

Upgrading whole swipe system for police department would be a total cost of 19,000 to replace the whole system. Chief Goodin is going to be looking into different companies to get a better estimate.

Ungaro opens meeting to public comment.  


Public Comment:

Joe Zdrilich of 8599 Youngstown Pittsburgh Road, voices his concern for the Zoning Inspector, worried about drug related issues in the township that had already gone to court.

Chairman Ungaro makes a motion to adjourn at 7:24 p.m., seconded by Lidle. Voting yes- Ungaro, Lidle and Wollet… motion carried.



Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                    

Robert Lidle, Jr., Trustee

Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                          

Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer