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                                                                     AUGUST 17, 2022
                                                                    REGULAR MEETING 

The Poland Township Board of Trustees held a regular meeting August 17, 2022 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road Poland, Ohio.

Mr. Ungaro calls the meeting to order.

Sergeant McCrea leads the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mr. Canter does roll call. Ungaro, Kempers, and Wollet are present.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve the minutes dated July 6, 2022 and July 18, 2022. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes - Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for the Township. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve Resolution #22-17 Nuisance Notice.  The following properties include:

  • 6465 New Castle Road
  • 6040 Quarry Road
  • 8302 Weatheredwood Trail
  • 4149 Arrel Road
  • 2149 Manor Ave
  • 7457 Forest Hill

      Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to approve to appoint Sergeant McCrea as sergeant with a starting date of

8-29-2022 with a one year probation period as per contract. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Chief Wilson presents certificates regarding the Safety Forces appreciation cookout that was held.

Chief Wilson presents the SRO Agreement, which he passed around for signatures.  This SRO is for having two officers at the school and the school will reimburse Poland police department for the agreed upon in the contract.


Mr. Monus is present to speak about the zone change ZC-01-21. This is a formal zone change request by Doug Susany DBA Fourway Investments INC, to rezone three parcels of land to a residential planned unit development to create a condominium development.  Mr. Ungaro asked if anyone who may want to speak up against the zone change. No one spoke. Mr. Ungaro asked two more additional times which both times no one spoke against the zone change.  Mr. Ungaro asked if anyone was in favor of this zone change, Craig Lester 6133 Struthers Road, speaks to the board of a possible concern for a passing zone and the possibility of having the speed limit reduced.   Mr. Ungaro asked a second time and Steve Richards 2884 Denver Drive speaks he is for the zone change. Mr. Ungaro asked for the third time, no one speaks in favor.

Mr. Ungaro motions for the zone change ZC-01-21. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Flicky is present to give monthly report.


Mr. Robert Monus is present to give monthly report.

Monthly report from July.

  • 1 new structure, valuation-$211,920; fees collected-$1,483
  • 11 additional improvements, valuation-$74,138; fees collected-$897
  • 13 misc. permits issued; $65;0-appeal, $0-misc.; 0 -amendments, 35 violations for the month

Total valuation for the month- $286,058; total fees collected $2,445; Year to date total valuation- $4,846,797

Mr. Ungaro motions to enter a contract with Bova in the amount of $14,500 for the project on Katahdin to fix a driveway that has collapsed and the township pipe that caved in. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mr. Canter is present to give July report.

Revenue: $880,699.81

Expenditures: $280,009.87

Mr. Ungaro discusses Stymie Road resurfacing project, which will occur next year. Poland Township will put money towards this paving project since Stymie Road is a county road.

Mr. Kempers discuss the rotary donation. Mr. Canter states that the rotary club should give an itemized list for items they want to do with the donation money.

Mr. Ungaro motions to appropriate up to $20,000 of ARPA money for the rotary club donation per itemized list.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Mr. Ungaro motions to enter into agreement with Youngstown Computer LLC not to exceed $6,500 for streaming contract.  Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.


Mrs. Wollet- gives thanks to everyone who took part in the safety service picnic.

Mr. Kempers- It was so nice to get the town together.

Mr. Ungaro- We are all on the same team and everything comes together. Great turn out.


Steve Richards 2884 Denver Drive, he expresses his concern about people cutting through Denver Drive at high speeds. He asks the Board for their help to reduce the speed traffic before someone gets hurt.

Eugene Caleris 2031 Bedford Road, expresses his concern about the landfill trucks that drive on Bedford Road.

Lori Fox 6656 Lowellville Road, she informed the Board that those landfill trucks take Lowellville Road to get to Bedford. She expresses how bad the drivers drive.

Courtney Richard 3034 Highland Ave, expresses her concern about her neighbors that have a vicious dog that has attacked multiple people, and she has contacted the dog warden but they have not done anything so far.

Mr. Ungaro motions to adjourn regular session at 7:08 p.m. Seconded by Mrs. Wollet. Voting yes – Ungaro, Wollet and Kempers. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned.


Eric C. Ungaro, Chairman                                                   
Edward Kempers, Vice Chair
Joanne Wollet, Trustee                                                         
Paul J. Canter, Fiscal Officer