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The Poland Township Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on August 14, 2013 at the Poland Township Government Center located at 3339 Dobbins Road, Poland, Ohio.

Chairman Lidle called the meeting to order at 5:02 p.m. Carlie Ungaro led those present in the pledge of allegiance. Fiscal Officer Granitto called the Roll, present were Chairman Lidle, Vice-Chairman Naples and Trustee Ungaro.


Lidle moved to approve the minutes dated July 10, 2013 seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.

Lidle moved to authorize payment for all outstanding bills for Poland Township, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.

The Board recognized individually with certificates the Poland Girls Baseball Teams, 9 and 10 years old and 11 and 12 years old (District 2 Champs and state runners-up). The Board thanked the coaches for all their hard work during the baseball season.

Administrator Scharville opened and announced the bids for Poland Township’s 2013 Resurfacing of Various Streets:
Company Bid Amount  Bid Bond
Diorio Paving $110,411.05  In place
Shelly and Sands $123,958.50  In place
Butch & McCree $115,656.65  In place
Karvo Paving $129,211.25  In place
Barbicas Construction $128,155.60  In place
R.T. Vernal Paving $114,819.25  In place
Lidle moved to accept the bid of $110,411.05 submitted by Diorio Paving for Poland Township’s 2013 Resurfacing of Various Streets on condition of approval by Poland Township’s Attorney, David Shepard, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried. Administrator Scharville verified the following streets for resurfacing: Denver Drive, Hamilton Drive, Burgess Lake Drive and Tuscany.

Lidle moved to enter into the second lease agreement addendum with the Western Reserve Joint Fire District, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.

Zoning Inspector, Robert Monus, introduced and asked for approval of Resolution #13-12: Nuisance Notice for the presence of overgrown vegetation, garbage, refuse, personal property, junk motor vehicle(s) and other debris on the following properties:
6501 Rose Lynn Parcel # 35-007-T-004.10-0
6502 Rose Lynn Parcel # 35-007-T-004.01-0
6510 Rose Lynn Parcel # 35-007-T-004.02-0
6525 Rose Lynn Parcel # 35-007-T-004.07-0
6533 Rose Lynn Parcel # 35-007-T-004.06-0
Lidle moved to adopt Resolution #13-12 Nuisance Notice (resolution on file). Ungaro seconded the Resolution and the Roll was called. Upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows: Lidle, yea; Ungaro, yea; Naples, yea.

Administrator Scharville announced the regular meeting of the Mahoning County Commissioners would be held at the Poland Township Government Center on September 12, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Immediately following, a meeting with the Mahoning County Sanitary Engineer will be held with the property owners on Circle Drive regarding the sanitary sewer project.

Fiscal Officer Granitto gave the Financial Report for July 2013 as follows:

Revenue - $ 24,340.10
Expenditures - $ 283,738.06
No Report. Poland Township Park Advisory Board Chairman, Mike Heher on vacation.
Administrator Scharville informed the Board that he plans to attend the Solid Waste District Meeting next month.
Zoning Inspector, Robert Monus, gave the Monthly Zoning Report for July 2013 (report on file).
Road Superintendent, Tom Monus, reported that the Road Department is patching pot holes, fixing birms, cutting grass, and cleaning catch basins and pipes.
Chief Goodin gave the Monthly Stats for July 2013 (report on file).
Lidle moved to accept with regrets the letter of resignation dated July 17, 2013 from Patrolman Martin Stachowicz, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.

Trustee Ungaro informed the Board that the residents on Highland spoke very highly of the Poland Township Police Department’s surveillance and response to suspicious activity in their neighborhood.

Lidle commended Officer Anthony Protopapa for his bravery in putting out the fire at the L’Uva Bella Winery. A letter of commendation will be placed in his file.
Vice-Chairman Naples stated that there is absolutely no truth to the rumor circulating that he is going to be the next Poland Township Police Chief.

David Turner, Ohio Edison, provided the Board with the following information:
  • Ohio Edison First Energy is currently going through the process of identifying and mapping critical facilities in Mahoning County that would need power restored in the event of a natural disaster. This process includes Poland Township.
  • The Easement Agreement needs to be rewritten in order to remove the leaning poles and wiring causing a safety issue at the Recycling Center. First Energy will compile and submit this document to Poland Township to be reviewed by the Township’s attorney.
  • A link to First Energy’s website can be uploaded to Poland Township’s website for a cost of $50.00. This link would enable residents to identify any service outages, e.g. repair/replace lights on poles, etc. Lidle stated that the Township is currently looking into this process.
Gary Diorio, MS Consultants, updated the Board as follows:
  • O.D.O.T. accepted the preliminary layout for the sidewalks to be installed on Route 170 (Safe Routes to School Program) and we are waiting for additional authorization from O.D.O.T. in order to complete the design. Once the authorization is received, it will take two to three weeks to complete and send the plans back to O.D.O.T. Once final approval has been received, the Township can bid out the project.
  • Plans for the proposed retention pond in Canterbury Creek will be ready for the next regular meeting. Although Todd Bury, a resident on Olde Charter Trail, has offered to build and pay for the retention pond on his property, Mr. Diorio stated that the plans would still need to be approved by the Army Corps of Engineers.
  • The contractor has been contacted regarding completion of the concrete driveway on Don Opsitnik’s property on 8135 Camella Drive. The Board reached a consensus to set a date for completion of the driveway in writing to the contractor.
Chairman Lidle opened the meeting for public comment at 5:45 p.m.

Steve Stanislav, 8235 Cliffview Drive, asked the Trustees for an update on a solution to the drainage ditch causing problems on his property. Mr. Stanislav also asked why underground piping was installed a few doors down from his house, but not extended to his property. Trustee Naples explained that due to a lack of funding, the piping could not be extended for the entire street. The Trustees and Poland Township Attorney, David Shepard, explained that the Township cannot do anything if the area is considered private property. The easement maps and related paper work were sent to the Mahoning County Prosecutor and the Township is waiting to hear if there is a drainage easement in place, which would make it legal for something to be done by the Township. The next step would be to apply for grant funding for the project. Poland Township Attorney, David Shepard, will write a letter to the County Prosecutor requesting an answer as to the type of easement that exists on the property. Trustee Naples further assured Mr. Stanislav that the Township would continue to pursue a solution to the problem.
Don Opsitnik, 8135 Camella Drive, thanked the Trustees for their help in getting the contractor to fix the landscaping on his property. He also thanked Chief Goodin for sending a cruiser to slow down the traffic on Spitler Road.

Lidle moved to hold the regular September and October 2013 meetings for Poland Township at 6:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.

Chairman Lidle moved to adjourn to Executive Session at 6:34 p.m. to discuss legal matters and consideration of the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of one or more township employees, seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried. Present in Executive Session with the Trustees were Administrator Scharville and Chief Goodin.

Lidle moved to return to public session at 6:52 p.m., seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.
There being no further business, Lidle moved to adjourn at 6:53 p.m., seconded by Ungaro. Voting yes – Lidle, Ungaro, Naples…motion carried.
Robert Lidle, Jr., Chairman
Mark Naples, Vice-Chairman
Eric C. Ungaro, Trustee
Joseph J. Granitto, Fiscal Officer