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Poland Township Government

— Established 1796 —

Proud Past, Promising Future

Poland Township Government
Poland Township Departments
Poland Township Community
About Poland Township
Contact Poland Township
Poland Township Events

Welcome to Poland Township

Poland Township has retained its colonial appearance which came from the New England settlers who brought their heritage and culture with them.

Many of the old homes have been preserved and blend well with the new growth of homes in Poland. The Township and Village are protected by their own police departments and the Western Reserve Joint Fire District which is composed of volunteer fire fighters.

Poland Township Post Newsletter

The purpose of this newsletter is to more effectively communicate with all residents of Poland Township. It is our hope this newsletter will provide more detailed information about what is happening in the township and the various programs that are offered to our citizens.

Click Here: To See Newsletters



For any concerns related to Comcast/Armstrong construction in your neighborhood, please see the contact information below:

Comcast Phone: 888-277-1898/Armstrong: 330-330-8848

Dedicated Project Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.